Sexual Harassment / Title IX Officer

Frequently Asked Questions on AB1825

Mandatory AB 1825 Workshops for Supervisors & Academic Appointees Frequently Asked Questions

Effective January 1, 2005, UCI supervisors and academic appointees are required to take a two-hour sexual harassment prevention education course every two years. Following are answers to frequently asked questions relating to this requirement:

1) Who is required to take this course?

  • All supervisors
  • All new supervisory employees within six months of their assumption of a supervisory position
  • All faculty (including senate and non-senate faculty, lecturers, librarians, emeriti on recall, academic specialists; excluding postdoctoral scholars and academic student appointees) whether full-time or part-time, regardless of actual supervisory responsibilities.
  • Individuals who supervise student employees 
  • All employees with MSP or SMG titles or contracts, regardless of actual supervisory responsibilities
  • All employees with a HEERA-designated Title Code (approximately 2300 titles); an Employee Relations code of A, B, C, or D; an Employee Representation Code of S; or a Special Training code of S.

2) What are the deadlines for satisfying this requirement?

  • All faculty and staff supervisors must complete this requirement every two years.  The deadline for completing this two-hour course will be two years from the date of last completion.

3) How can I satisfy this requirement?

  • Take the online sexual harassment prevention program developed by the UC Office of the President (UCOP). Beginning the week of February 2, 2009 the newly revised online Sexual Harassment Prevention training will be launched by the UC Learning Center to the UCI campus. Faculty and staff who are new to the supervisor role, or are within 90 days of the two-year anniversary of completion, will receive an email informing them of their requirement with a link to the online course.

    The online course is designed to take at least two hours and provides supervisors the flexibility to take the course from any computer at their convenience and to enter and exit the program as many times as is necessary. Employees who do not have a UCI email address may not receive this email notification from UCOP.
  • Supervisors and academic appointees may also satisfy the requirement by attending an instructor-led course. The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD) schedules these courses through  UC Learning Center . Employees should search for the course Sexual Harassment Prevention and follow the directions for enrollment.
  • Large departments ( more than 40 attendees) may arrange for workshops designed specifically for their department by contacting the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity directly (949-824-5594;

4) Where can I get assistance?

5) Are non-supervisory staff required to receive sexual harassment prevention training?

  • There is no law or policy that requires non-supervisory staff or students to receive sexual harassment prevention training.  However, we strongly recommend that everyone in the UCI community be educated about sexual harassment prevention every two years.  In addition, all employees need to be informed about the sexual violence policy and procedures for providing resources and reporting sex offense incidents. Therefore, training if strongly encouraged.
  • Please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity to schedule a departmental workshop for your non-supervisory staff and/or student employees. 

Still have questions?  Please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity at (949) 824-5594 or .